Reimagining Architecture and Urbanism in the Post-Pandemic World through Illustration
a juried competition
Paul Messinger, University of Alberta
Kishwar Habib, University of Alberta and Reimagine Architects
Vivian Manasc, Reimagine Architects
Eleni Stroulia, AI4Society – University of Alberta
A Worldwide Post-Pandemic Illustration Competition
The ‘Reimagining Architecture and Urbanism in the Post-Pandemic World’ illustration contest is open to reimagine design and cities through drawings or images. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a catalyst for lifestyle changes likely to persist even after the pandemic subsides. This requires new approaches to the design of the built environments. Such new challenges demand building a base of knowledge of what has been learned from the pandemic and educated projections about what will follow.
The Reimagining Architecture and Urbanism in the Post-Pandemic World Illustration competition rises to this challenge in two ways: First, the illustrations will help us to understand likely needed changes for our cities, workplaces, public spaces, retail environments, parks, residential spaces, and other elements of the built environment (together with societal repercussions). Second, the illustrations will help to document lessons learned from the pandemic.
As a continuation of the international symposium Reimagining Public Spaces and Built Environments in the Post-Pandemic World (, this Illustration Competition will have eight key themes to guide the illustrations:
1. Public Space and Urban Built Environment
2. Tactical Urbanism and Temporality
3. Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence
4. Designing Built Environments and Hybrid Remote Space
5. (In)formal Public Space
6. Engaging Community and Participation
7. Connection with Nature for Mental Health and Wellness
8. Future of Post Pandemic Public Space and Disaster Preparedness
Submission is free of charge.
One registered participant/team can submit a maximum of 03 (three) Illustrations
Submission is now closed, thank you to all participants!
Pre-Registration: July 01, 2022- August 30, 2022
Submission: September 30, 2022 11 pm (MDT)
Award Announcement: October 2022 [TBA]
Exhibition: TBA , 2022
Best of the Best Award $1000 CAD
Thematic Best Award $800 CAD
Best Award $500 CAD
Special Mention $200 CAD
Certificate and Exhibition Entry
The Jury Panel
Prof. Han Verschure, Urban Design, Urbanism, Landscape and Planning, University of Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Sasha Tsenkova, University of Calgary
Prof. Lawrence Esho, Head, Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Technical University of Kenya, Kenya
Executive Prof. David Dale-Johnson, City Building, SOR Real Estate, University of Alberta
Dr. NR Khan, Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Prof. Ar. Mehdi Zahed, Algonquin Centre for Construction Excellence (ACCE), Canada
Ar. Carey Van der Zalm, Reimagine Architects Inc.
Prof. Yehya Serag, Urban and Regional Planning, Facility of Engineering Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Christopher Kennedy, Urban Systems Lab, New York
Associate Prof. Els De Vos, Faculty of Design Science, University of Antwerp
Ar. Vedran Skopac, Principal, Reimagine Architects
Associate Prof. Dr. Karen Lee, Housing for Health, University of Alberta
Artist and Architect Tiffany Shaw, Reimagine Architects
Submission Requirements
All competition submittals need to be provided in English.
During the competition, anonymity of the entrants will be ensured. Digital material should be untraceable. Revealing the identity of any entrant during the competition period may lead to the disqualification of the design.
Canvas Size: 15“x 15” (Borderless)
Digital Copy: Pdf and Image
Resolution: 500 dpi (TIFF, PNG, and PDF format)
The naming of the Image File: Reimagine_Theme Name_Last Name (Participant)
Design Rationale and Statement (Max. 200 words)
The participants are encouraged to use a collage of multiple visions, use a variety of artwork, cut-outs, text and textures, and layering together that tells a story.
The outcome should be scalable to view on various digital devices as well as suitable for a large print.
Entrants must be age 18 years or over. Team members can be under 18 as long as they have written permission from a parent or guardian.
To enter, participants must agree to the conditions and abide by the rules of the contest.
Rules & Regulations
No fee to enter the contest.
Participants can submit INDIVIDUALLY or form a TEAM.
Any participant (INDIVIDUAL or TEAM) may submit a maximum of 03 nos. of entries.
An entry may be disqualified if:
- The eligibility requirements, submission requirements and submission deadline are not followed.
- The submitted design has been adjudged a copy or an item of plagiarism.
- There is an attempt to influence the decision of the Jury.
Jurying will be based on two parts rounds
Round 01: On a rolling basis, the organizers will identify illustration artwork that satisfies the entry requirements of the contest.
Round 02: Juries will consider all the illustrations during this contest and rate them based on Originality, Creativity and Innovation to visualize a post-pandemic scenario connecting to the key eight themes listed and the aesthetic quality of the Graphics.
The Panel of Jury reserves the right to select the winners of the competition. The panel has also the right to decline to choose from the submitted proposals if deemed NOT UP TO THE
By participating in the competition, all participants confirm the following:
- Acceptance of the guidelines and regulations of the competition as specified above and the decision announced by the panel of the Jury.
- Willingness to consider the suggestions from the Jury to improve the proposal to qualify as a possible winner/s.
- Selected submissions will be published in a BOOK format and the winners’ illustrations will be used as book covers for the Post pandemic theme with necessary revisions according to suggestions from the Jury.
Participants are discouraged from circulating or displaying their proposals on public platforms until the awards are announced.
Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully before participating in the competition.
The illustration or artwork you submit must be your own original work, created by you and your team. It may not be a copy of someone else’s work. If you use elements that are not your original work, you must have written permission from the copyright holder to use them for this purpose and you must include the permission when you submit. By entering the contest, you accept the Terms and Conditions and certify that the provided information is true and correct, and neither the Organizer nor Jury is responsible or liable for any false information submitted by you or anyone else on your behalf. In nominating Winners, the Jury decision will be regarded as the final one. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel or suspend or alter the rules and/or date at any stage if deemed necessary in its opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of its control.
By entering this illustration competition Contest, all participants grant an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide non-exclusive license to the Organizers to reproduce, distribute, display, and create derivative works (publications) of the entries (along with a name credit) in connection with the Contest and promotion of the Contest, in any media now or hereafter known, including, but not limited to inform and consult the community through exhibition, publication, display or documentation.
The competition is a part of the University of Alberta’s ongoing research ‘Revision of Socio-Spatial Conceptions for Designing Public Spaces and Built Environments in Post Pandemic Alberta’ and a next steps of the international symposium ‘Revision of Socio-Spatial Conceptions for Designing Public Spaces and Built Environments in Post Pandemic Alberta’.
Please contact the Competition Director and Co-convener Dr. Kishwar Habib.