Hello and welcome! In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to serve up Voyant Tools using Docker in a fun way. For those of you just starting out, Docker is designed to make running complex applications—like Voyant Tools—simpler and more reliable.
A Docker image is like a recipe that contains all the ingredients and instructions—in this case, for making Voyant Tools. And when you run that image, Docker prepares a container—your delicious dish that comes to life on your computer.
In this tutorial, I will show you how to:
– Install Docker Desktop,
– Download and pull the Voyant Tools image,
– Run and configure the container
Why Use Docker for Voyant Tools?
Docker is an excellent choice for running Voyant Tools because of the following reasons:
Isolation: Docker ensures that Voyant Tools runs in its own container, isolated from other software. This is like preparing a unique dish in a dedicated space in your kitchen, avoiding any flavor clashes or interference with other recipes.
Portability: Docker allows you to run the same Voyant Tools container on any computer, whether it’s your desktop, a lab machine, or even in the cloud. Think of it as a dish that you can serve anywhere – the recipe remains exactly the same, no matter where you cook it.
Simplicity: Instead of going through complex and time-consuming manual installations, Docker lets you simply pull the Voyant Tools image – that’s our recipe – and cook up the container. It’s as straightforward as following a recipe card to prepare your favorite meal.
Download Docker Desktop
Once you’re on the site, you’ll see a highlighted download button. Next, you’ll need to select the appropriate version for your platform—whether you’re using Windows, macOS, or another operating system. After selecting the correct version, click the download button and allow the installer to download to your computer. Once it’s finished, run the installer to begin the installation process.
Setup Docker Desktop
Once you’ve installed Docker Desktop, go ahead and launch the program. On the very first launch, you’ll notice that Docker Desktop welcomes you with a setup screen. At this point, you might be prompted to create an account. Right after, you might also encounter a welcome survey. Again, this is optional. Just click ‘skip’ to bypass the survey for now and dive straight into using Docker without any extra commitments. Next, we’ll move on to downloading the Voyant Tools image.
Downloading the Voyant Tools Image
Search for the Voyant Tools Image
In the search bar at the top of Docker Desktop, type in ‘voyanttools/voyanttools’.
Pull the Image
Once you’ve located the Voyant Tools image, click on the ‘pull’ button. This action downloads the Voyant Tools image to your computer
Running the Voyant Tools Container
Launching the Container
In Docker Desktop, navigate over to the ‘Images’ tab. Here, you’ll see the Voyant Tools image we just downloaded. To begin, simply click the ‘play’ button next to the Voyant image.
Configuring Optional Settings
After clicking play, an ‘Optional Settings’ arrow will appear. Click that arrow to expand the settings. One key setting you need to configure is the ‘Host port.’ Set this port to 8080. You can think of it like assigning a table in your restaurant where your dish will be served.
To set up a volume, click on the arrow for ‘Optional Settings’ to expand it. Here, you’ll add the volume details. In the ‘Host path’ field, enter the name of the volume you just created. Then, in the ‘Container path’ field, type in ‘/voyant-data’. This tells Docker to link your container’s data storage to the pantry you set up.
You can also assign a container name to make it easier to identify later.
Once you’ve set the host port, simply click the ‘Run’ button. This tells Docker to start cooking up your dish using the recipe, with all the necessary configurations in place.
Accessing Voyant Tools
With the container running, Docker will display its logs—these logs are like the kitchen’s progress report, giving you updates on how your dish is coming along.
Once everything is ready, you’ll see a URL at the top of the screen. Click that URL to open Voyant Tools in your web browser. And there you have it—your dish is served! Voyant Tools is now up and running, ready for you to explore its powerful features.
Stopping the Container
Once you’re done using Voyant Tools, it’s time to clean up your kitchen. In Docker Desktop, switch over to the ‘Containers’ tab. Here, you’ll see a list of all running containers.
Locate your running Voyant container, and simply click the ‘stop’ button next to it.
First, we downloaded and set up Docker Desktop, which is like preparing your very own professional kitchen. Next, we pulled the Voyant Tools image, essentially obtaining the perfect recipe for our dish.
Then, we ran and configured the container and set up a volume, our trusty pantry, to store all the important ingredients so that none of your data is lost when you shut down the container.
We are Here to Support You
Whether you’re just starting out or run into any issues during or after installation, the Voyant Consortium Team is here to support you. Please feel free to send an email to voyanttools@gmail.com. Remember, our community is here to help you every step of the way, so don’t hesitate to reach out. Happy Voyant-ing!